The SPAG Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) represents the South Plains Association of Governments (SPAG) economic development plan. The primary purpose of the CEDS is to analyze local conditions, identify problems and opportunities, define the vision and goals of the region, design strategies to accomplish these goals, and develop a plan for action that will meet the needs of the area. Along with demographic and economic changes, the CEDS addresses some new and recurring issues that include but aren’t limited to social services, water supply, emergency preparedness, and economic development. Overall, the goal of the CEDS is to provide a picture of the current economic conditions in the region and develop a roadmap of opportunities to help the region’s stakeholders drive the economic growth process.
South Plains
Association of
Representing the interests of the local governments in the region and facilitating orderly development of the economic social physical environment.
Who We Are
Cochran County
- Morton
- Whiteface
Crosby County
- Ralls
- Lorenzo
- Crosbyton
Dickens County
- Dickens
- Spur
Floyd County
- Lockney
- Floydada
Garza County
- Post
Hale County
- Abernathy
- Plainview
- Petersburg
- Hale Center
- Edmonson
Hockley County
- Anton
- Opdyke West
- Ropesville
- Smyer
- Sundown
- Levelland
Lamb County
- Amherst
- Earth
- Littlefield
- Olton
- Springlake
- Sudan
Lynn County
- Tahoka
- Wilson
- New Home
- O’Donnell
Motley County
- Matador
- Roaring Springs
Terry County
- Brownfield
- Meadow
- Wellman
Yoakum County
- Plains
- Denver City
CEDs Plan of Action
The SPAG Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy conducted by the SPEDD Board is to be utilized as a vehicle for economic activity guidance. This collaborative effort between the SPEDD, which is a collection of regional stakeholders from local governments throughout the region, encompasses the diverse interest of the region. The board nature of the CEDs is intended to cover the region while offering county profiles that display the needs and desires of the 15 individuals SPAG counties. The strategic plan outlines objectives and strategies to guided activity to becoming closer to satisfying the goals of the SPAG region. The SPEDD will continue to meet in order to update the progress of the CEDs and formulate innovative practices that grow with the local economy. The practices will be geared towards the coordination of development activities and strategy.
South Plains SWOT Analysis
- Regional work ethic
- Agriculture
- Texas wine industry
- Energy
- Logistical location
- Natural resources
- Oil industry
- Higher education attainment
- Low unemployment
- Public transportation
- State location
- Aging infrastructure
- Conservative nature
- Tourism
- Workforce development
- Historic downtowns
- Tourism
- Industry growth
- Population growth
- Regional marketing
- Higher education
- Water availability
- Economic diverstiy
- Stagnant tax basis/inflation
- Housing availability
- Adverse climate